FREE Website Builders – PROS & CONS

FREE Website Builders – PROS & CONS

Hello all,

Welcome to another tip from our Project Team. Is this article we will be covering FREE Website Builders (FWBs as we call them) and their PROS and CONS. As usual, our disclaimer is as follows. We do not claim to be the ultimate authority on this topic. We just hope that our 20+ years of knowledge in this industry allows us to give our opinions and share our experiences.

So, it’s FREE, it must be bad right? Not necessarily is what we say. There are definitely some times when FWBs are excellent to be used. We actually love FWBs because it allows us to have somewhere to send those clients who do not a custom solution. There are a lot of times where we deal with clients that are doing Fund Raisers, Non-for-Profit events, Charities, etc. and don’t have much funding. In these cases FWBs are amazing, because with a little direction, we can help them get something online that will at least let them get started. FWBs are also great for very small businesses. This allows everyone to be to get their ideas and companies online. It’s a great place to get started and then grow into a custom solution as your needs change. We like these kind of relationships because it gives us a chance to help you grow into your “true” online potential. Somethings you might need help with regardless of it being a paid or FWB solution is design and content. Content is the #1 web design project killer. Typically, its 30-40% build time and 60-70% pushing for content and making sure it’s intuitive for your audience’s consumption. Here’s some PROS and CONS of FREE Web Site Builders:


  • IT’S FREE! Of course that’s a PRO
  • Easy Setup
  • Preset Template
  • Walkthrough Process
  • Support & Customer Support (Typically)
  • Tons of FREE Template options
  • Controlled Environment (Dummy Proof)
  • Upgradeable, makes advance feature customization easier


  • IT’S FREE! How is this on both lists? It’s simple, it’s an double edge sword. Even though you are get the site free, you usually have some limitations. They sometimes place watermarks or logos on your site until you pay for an subscription.
  • Limited Features. FREE means this solution is not easily scalable without paying
  • Possibility of using a template that is too common.
  • Limited Users.
  • Limited Data Storage on the Server (Basically you may not have enough room for your data without paying)
  • Access to the coding of the site is typically restricted or only allowed with their modules.
  • Support for your site will most likely cost you an hourly rate or an subscription.

When evaluating the PROS and CONS of FWBs is clear that the definitely are beneficial when leveraged correctly. You definitely need to know what your are getting into when you go down this road. If you just need a site up and can’t really afford professional help, these are a great solution. As soon as you are available to invest more into your online presence, please do so as clients judge their online interaction heavily. This can be the difference between a client or another “bounce” from your site. Please, if you have any further question, feel free to chat with us or submit a contact form. We hope this helped someone and thank you for visiting.

– SMS Project Team

